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How IBE® Will Change Your Career

Becoming certified in Invisible Bead Extensions has completely transformed my career as a stylist and salon owner. It expanded my client base and ultimately increased my revenue. It has transformed the lives of all of the certified stylist who work for me . We work less, make more , and absolutely love what we get to do for a living.

How IBE® Helped My Clients

To say it has changed my guests lives would be an understatement. Watching them light up with new found confidence never gets old. I have seen their own hair flourish and grow in ways it never could have without the assistance of Invisible Bead Extensions. Your dream hair always achievable with IBE®!

My IBE® Mentor Experience

My experience in working with a mentor was unlike any other training I had received prior. IBE® is rooting for you every step of the way & wants to help you troubleshoot & have all the tools you need to succeed.